City Voices for Southwest Journal

Southwest Journal commissioned me to conduct a series of on-the-street interviews with everyday people for a bi-monthly newspaper column called “City Voices.” Each installment focused on one specific question designed to draw the subject out and produce a unique response. Over the course of a year, I highlighted people from many walks of life who shared their thoughts.

Selections from this series (click to view PDF):

“What’s your biggest strength as a person?”

“What assumptions do you think people make about you that may or may not be true?”

“What are you most proud of?”

“Is there anything you wish people who have full mobility knew about what it’s like to not have full mobility?”

“When you were in school, what was your favorite subject or class, and why?”

“What’s been the happiest moment of your life so far?”

“If you could offer advice to your younger self, what would you say?”

“What are you most afraid of?”

“What’s the biggest challenge we face as a society?
